Ordinary n°3172
Petitioner: Fernand Seidel
Steierentlaschtung fir Pensionäiren
Purpose of the petition
Eng steierfräi oder steierentlaschtent Pensioun fir Rentner Natirlech tranchéiert no der Héicht vun der Pensioun, keng global prozentual Steiererlichterung
Reasons for the petition
Rentner mat kenger héicher Pensioun kommen emer mnner gutt iwwert d'Ronnen
This public petition did not reach the threshold of 4. 500 signatures. At the request of the petitioner, the public petition was transformed into an ordinary petition.
Show public petition.
The steps of this petition
A position statement regarding the ordinary petition n°3172 is available on 04-11-2024
Minister(s) : Monsieur Gilles Roth, Ministre des Finances
A position statement is requested on the ordinary petition n°3172, on 26-09-2024
Minister(s) : Monsieur Gilles Roth, Ministre des Finances