Public n°2282

Petitioner: Brigitte Gaspard

4 Schaffdeeg an der Woch (Méindes, Dënschdes, Donneschdes an Freides)

Purpose of the petition

D'Zil vun der Petitioun ass eng 4 Schaffdeegwoch, natirlech bei vollem Gehalt, schon alleng fir dass net esou vill Autoen méi 5 Deeg d'Woch enerwee sin well vill Leit net op d'Arbecht kommen mat den öffentlechen Transportmëttel (keng Gare an der Géigend an och keng Bushaltestell).

Reasons for the petition

N et méi esouvill Autoen waehrend 5 Deeg op der Stroos, et kann ee Bensin spueren mat denen Wahnsinnspräiser déi am Moment herrschen.

ended  09.05.2022
653 /4.500
registered signatures

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The steps of this petition

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Closing statement


The public petition n°2282 is closed on 05-10-2022

Reason for closure: Demande concernant le reclassement en pétition ordinaire restée sans suite


Request concerning the continuation of the petition as an ordinary petition


The threshold of 4500 signatures is not reached for the public petition n°2282, on 18-05-02022 - Number of signatures after validation: 653


Validated electronic signatures: 653


The period for signing the public petition n°. 2282 is closed on 10-05-2022 - Number of electronic signatures before validation: 653


The public petition n°2282 is open for signature, on 29-03-2022


Statement of admissibility


The public petition n°2282 is declared admissible by the Conference of Presidents on 25-03-2022

Admissibility: admissible

Start date of the signature period: 29-03-2022 at 0:00 a.m.

End date of the signature period: 09-05-2022 at 11:59 p.m.


The Committee on Petitions issued an opinion positive regarding the public petition n° 2282, on 24-03-2022

Opinion of the Committee on Petitions: positive


The petition public n°2282 is submitted the 16-03-2022

Title of the petition: 4 Schaffdeeg an der Woch (Méindes, Dënschdes, Donneschdes an Freides)




Aim of the petition: D'Zil vun der Petitioun ass eng 4 Schaffdeegwoch, natirlech bei vollem Gehalt, schon alleng fir dass net esou vill Autoen méi 5 Deeg d'Woch enerwee sin well vill Leit net op d'Arbecht kommen mat den öffentlechen Transportmëttel (keng Gare an der Géigend an och keng Bushaltestell).

Motivation of the general interest of the petition: N et méi esouvill Autoen waehrend 5 Deeg op der Stroos, et kann ee Bensin spueren mat denen Wahnsinnspräiser déi am Moment herrschen.